What is Hunakka

John 10:22-23
And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.  
and Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.

One hundred sixty-five years before the birth of Christ a miracle occurred in Jerusalem at the temple of GOD. This miracle has now been celebrated in the month of Kislev starting on the 25th day and celebrated for eight days for 21 centuries. It is called the feast of Hanukkah “which means dedication”. Hanukkah is not listed in the seven feast of the LORD in the book of Leviticus as it took place about 1335 years after the Torah was written. It is our opinion that GOD desires us to have knowledge of what took place that created this yearly eight day celebration of GOD’s people or he would not have referenced it with CHRIST in the New Testament. Join us as you learn of the restoration of worship, service, and rededication of GOD’s temple and people after being desecrated by the Syrian-Greek Emperor Antiochus. Here you will learn of the great courage of a family of priest called the Maccabees.