Bible Prophecy: Lesson Four

In the Book of Revelation chapter 17 we are given a prophecy by way of a very vivid vision seen by John. This vision is of a women riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns. The woman is identified by these titles: “The Great Whore, The Mother of Harlots, Mystery Babylon, and The Abominations of the earth”. When we study the history of Europe we find a very interesting biblical picture. Europe derived its name from the goddess Europa, who was seduced and kidnapped by the god Zeus. Zeus turned into a great white bull and carried Europa away, thus she was seen as a woman riding the beast. Today, sitting at one of the entrances to the headquarters of the EU in Brussels Belgium is a great iron sculpture. This modern day sculpture is of a woman riding a beast, or Europa and Zeus. Join us in this 50 minute teaching by Pastor Kearse as he identifies a very likely candidate for the beast and the woman of Revelation 17.